Current/Future Research
What are your research interests?
What are the big picture questions you want to investigate?
What are the biggest challenges/questions in your field of research?
How do you plan to approach your questions?
How do you see this work impacting the field?
How does the work you propose follow on from what you are already doing?
What skills do you want to develop at this institution?
Do you plan to apply for additional funding?
What funding opportunities are you aware of, or what would you like to apply for?
How would you convince a funding body that they should fund your research?
How would you fit with the existing activities in the department?
If we gave you unlimited resources, what would you do with them?
Who do would you expect to collaborate with in the institution?
Why do you want to collaborate with them?
What is an interesting paper you have read lately?
If you have a specific project in mind…
What is the overall importance of this project?
Can you see any of your research proposal failing?
What will you do if your hypothesis is proved wrong?
What resources will you need?
What opportunities for multi-disciplinary work does your research offer?
Potential Advisors
What do you want to work on in my lab?
What interests you about my research?
What do you know about my research?
Who are you interested in working with?
What techniques have you learned that you could use in my lab?
Do you have any teaching experience?
How do you feel about teaching?
How do you feel about mentoring undergrads?
How would you deal with any conflict/disagreement within the research group?
Do you have an example of when you have had to deal with a disagreement?