
2023 美國 MBA 面試真題分享 (NYU, Kellogg, UCLA, UCB)

小弟我今年申請美國幾間 MBA,有在面試時簡單紀錄面試問題,在申請時受惠於 Jason 學長各種無償的資訊分享&落點整理,看到 Jason 建立了這個論壇,所以想說發個文記錄自己遇到的面試問題,拋磚引玉一下!

NYU Stern

  1. Tell me about yourself

  2. Current role (in detail)

  3. Work experience in the previous company

  4. Why Stern?

  5. Summer internship plan

  6. LT goal

  7. How will you contribute to Stern?

  8. Any questions for the Interviewer?

UCLA(面試官是 Current Student)

  1. Tell me about yourself

  2. Why MBA? Why now?

  3. ST/LT goal

  4. What can you bring to Anderson?

  5. What is your greatest strength?

  6. How do you deal with differences in a team?

  7. Plan B if not getting into UCLA?

  8. Plan B if not getting internships?

  9. Any questions for the Interviewer?


  1. Walk me through your resume

  2. Current role (in detail), what did I do on those jobs?

  3. Experience working with people from different backgrounds

  4. Tell me about a time when you worked in an ambiguous situations

  5. Tell me about a challenge you experienced in a team

  6. ST/LT goal

  7. Why MBA? Why Kellogg?

  8. What do you want to earn from Kellogg? (clubs, activities and classes)

  9. Any questions for the Interviewer?

Berkeley Haas

  1. Walk me through your resume

  2. DE&I experience and how will you contribute to Haas?

  3. Things I wrote in essays

  4. A time when you and your teams have a disagreement, how did you respond?

  5. Haas 4 principles with examples

  6. Any questions for the Interviewer?

推詳細 面試真的很需要有題庫...

推推!!!感謝 Steve 的拋磚引玉~ 恭喜你申請上美國 MBA 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
