
雅思 IELTS 學術類作文分享|模版:圓餅圖 v.s. 表格


The charts compare the sources of electricity in Australia and France in the years 1980 and 2000. Between these years, electricity production almost doubled, rising from 100 units to 170 in Australia and from 90 to 180 units in France.

In 1980, Australia used coal as the main electricity source (50 units), and the remainder was produced from natural gas, hydropower (each producing 20 units), and oil (which produced only 10 units). By 2000, coal had become the fuel for more than 75% of electricity produced, and only hydro continued to be another significant source, supplying approximately 20%. 

In contrast, France used coal as a source of only 25 units of electricity in 1980, which was matched by natural gas. The remaining 40 units were produced largely from oil and nuclear power, with hydro contributing only 5 units. But by 2000 nuclear power, which was not used at all in Australia, had developed into the main source, producing almost 75% of electricity, at 126 units, while coal and oil together produced only 50 units. Other sources were no longer significant.

Overall, it is clear that by 2000 these two countries relied on different principal fuel sources: Australia relied on coal and France on nuclear power. 

表格 Table

The table above illustrates the distribution of spending on different/various/distinct categories of consumer goods in 5 countries.

Regarding the percentage of money spent on food/drink/tobacco, Turkey was the largest spender, at 32.14%, closely followed by the spending ratio in Ireland at 28.91 %.  Other countries’ spending ratios were substantially lower, with a greater ratio in Spain (18.81%) than those in Italy (16.3 %) and Sweden (15.77%, the smallest spender). 

For attire and shoes, Italy had the greatest percentage of expenditure allocated in these fields, at 9%, approximately 2.5% higher than the figure in Turkey (6.63%), Spain (6.51%), and Ireland (6.43%), and these figures were almost identical.  By contrast, Sweden once again stood at the bottom among all countries, at 5.4%.

When it comes to the spending ratios of leisure activities and educational areas,  Turkey, where the spending ratio of food/drinks/tobacco was the highest, also led this class, at 4.35%. The figures for Sweden and  Italy were slightly lower, at 3.22 % and 3.2% respectively, being nearly equal, while the figures for Ireland and  Spain were only about half of that in Turkey, with Spain having the smallest figure at 1.98%.

As described above, food/drinks/tobacco cost (consumed) most of the people’s money, followed by clothing/shoes and leisure/education.

