


推薦信作為留學申請中唯一的第三方 input,在申請過程中的重要性不可忽視!招生官希望從這一個文件中看到別人眼中的你,而不是重複敘述履歷或 SOP/PS 中提過的內容或成就。一封好的推薦信應該是由推薦人自己寫,從第三人的視角向學校推薦你,所以「舉例」就顯得非常重要!舉例能夠讓學校更加了解你跟推薦人的關係,並且通過過往事例去告訴學校你在團隊中扮演的角色。如果只是通過推薦信去寫出客觀事實(成就、成績、排名等等),則會過於平庸且與其他申請材料的重複性過高,應該要用說故事的方式去讓學校知道「在推薦人眼中」你是如何達成這些成就、你跟其他同儕相比的優勢等等。

如果你找留學代辦幫忙準備文書,他們幫每一屆甚至每一位學生都準備類似的推薦信模板,並且用相似的寫作手法跟語法,這種推薦信交出去後,學校只會覺得千篇一律、了無新意,甚至同一位學生的兩三個推薦信都長得相似,導致學校認為文件是學生代擬的。這篇文章將會提供一些推薦信的見解,和如何引導教授或主管寫出 Solid 且 Supportive 的推薦信。


這個段落列出了美國 Top 10 MBA 申請時,學校最常發給推薦人的 10 個問題。雖然申請 MS 時,學校通常不會限定方向或給予指定問題,但是可以參考以下問題,去了解學校想要在推薦信中看到什麼內容。

以下 10 個問題中,前面 6 個是多個 MBA 都共同指定推薦人要回答的問題。由此可知,學校通常會想了解以下幾個要點:跟其他同儕相比,申請人的表現和具體例子;推薦人曾給申請人的建設性意見以及申請人的回應;推薦人認為申請人可以為學校社群貢獻什麼;推薦人為什麼認為申請人可以在職涯中獲得成功…….

  1. Please provide a brief description of your interaction with the applicant and, if applicable, the applicant’s role in your organization.

  2. How does the applicant's performance compare to that of other well-qualified individuals in similar roles? Please provide specific examples. (E.g., what are the applicant's principal strengths?)

  3. How do the applicant’s performance, potential, background, or personal qualities compare to those of other well-qualified individuals in similar roles? Please provide specific examples.

  4. Describe the most important piece of constructive feedback you have given the applicant. Please detail the circumstances and the applicant's response.

  5. Please provide example(s) that illustrate why you believe this candidate will meaningfully contribute to the [School X] community.

  6. Please provide example(s) that illustrate why you believe this candidate will find success throughout their career.

  7. [School X] has a diverse student body and values students who are inclusive and encouraging of others with differing perspectives and backgrounds. Please tell us about a time when you witnessed the candidate living these values.

  8. In the [School X], we develop leaders who embody our distinctive culture's four key principles, one of which is “confidence without attitude” or “confidence with humility”. Please comment on how the applicant reflects this [School X] value.

  9. Share how you feel the applicant will contribute to the [School X] classroom and community.

  10. (Optional) Is there anything else we should know? Please be concise.

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